Research data management with DataLad


2 - Hands-on DataLad basics
title image
Stephan Heunis
Michał Szczepanik

Psychoinformatics lab,
Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-7)
Research Center Jülich


💻Your turn💻

Use what you already know about how and where to get help to complete these challenges on (or on your own system):

  1. Create dataset, add a file with the content "abc". Check the status of the dataset. Now save the dataset with a commit message. Check the status again.
  2. Create a different dataset *outside* the first one.
  3. Clone the first dataset into the second under the name "input".
  4. Use datalad to capture the provenance of a data transformation that converts the content of the file created at (1) to all-uppercase and saves it in the dataset from (2). Hint the command:
                        sh -c 'tr "a-z" "A-Z" < inputpath > outputpath'
    can convert text in this fashion.
  5. Check the status of the dataset. Now let DataLad show you the change to the dataset that running the tr command made.

Let's dissect that, via

A guided code-along through DataLad's Basics and internals


Local version control

Local version control

You created a DataLad dataset:

  • DataLad's core data structure
    • Dataset = A directory managed by DataLad (git + git-annex)
    • Any directory of your computer can be managed by DataLad (CV, website, music library, phd)
    • Datasets can be created (from scratch) or installed
    • Datasets can be nested: linked subdirectories
    $ datalad create -c text2git my-dataset

What is version control?

Illustration adapted from Scriberia and The Turing Way
  • keep things organized
  • keep track of changes
  • revert changes or go back to previous states

Why version control?

Version Control

  • DataLad knows two things: Datasets and files

  • Every file you put into a in a dataset can be easily version-controlled, regardless of size, with the same command: datalad save
  • Pure Git/git-annex commands can be used as well
  • Local version control

    Procedurally, version control is easy with DataLad!

    • Save meaningful units of change
    • Attach helpful commit messages

    Preview: Start to record provenance

    • Have you ever saved a PDF to read later onto your computer, but forgot where you got it from?
    • Digital Provenance = "The tools and processes used to create a digital file, the responsible entity, and when and where the process events occurred"
    • The history of a dataset already contains provenance, but there is more to record - for example: Where does a file come from? datalad download-url is helpful

    Summary - Local version control

    datalad create creates an empty dataset.
    Configurations (-c yoda, -c text2git) are useful (details soon).

    A dataset has a history to track files and their modifications.
    Explore it with Git (git log) or external tools (e.g., tig).

    datalad save records the dataset or file state to the history.
    Concise commit messages should summarize the change for future you and others.

    datalad download-url obtains web content and records its origin.
    It even takes care of saving the change.

    datalad status reports the current state of the dataset.
    A clean dataset status (no modifications, not untracked files) is good practice.

    💻Your turn💻

    Starting at the Getting started: create an empty dataset section, follow the code-along instructions to:

    1. Create an empty dataset with a text2git configuration
    2. List the contents of the "empty" dataset
    3. Explore the dataset's commit history with tig
    4. Add file content to the dataset
    5. Inspect dataset changes with datalad status
    6. Describe and commit/save changes using datalad save
    7. Inspect the dataset layout with tree
    8. Capture the origin of a downloaded file in the dataset with datalad download-url

    (stop before section Breaking things and repairing them )

    Teaser: Time-travelling

    Summary: Interacting with Git's history (teaser)

    Interactions with Git's history require Git commands, but are immensely powerful
    More in

    git restore is a dangerous (!), but sometimes useful command:
    It removes unsaved modifications to restore files to a past, saved state. What has been removed by it can not be brought back to life!

    git revert [hash] transparently undoes a past commit
    It will create a new entry in the revision history about this.

    git checkout
    lets you - among other things - time-travel.

    Commands that are out of scope but useful to know:
    git rebase changes and git reset rewinds history without creating a commit about it (see Handbook chapter for examples).

    A life-saver that is not well-known: git reflog
    A time-limited backlog of every past performed action, can undo every mistake except git restore and git clean.

    💻Your turn💻

    At the Breaking things and repairing them section, follow the code-along instructions to:

    1. Edit a file by making unintended changes
    2. Restore edited versions of a file/dataset with git restore
    3. Commit incorrect changes to the dataset history datalad save
    4. Revert incorrect changes in the dataset with git revert

    (stop before section Data processing )

    A look underneath the hood

    (In-depth explanations how and why things work, with plenty of teasers to additional features)

    There are two version control tools at work - why?

    Git does not handle large files well.

    There are two version control tools at work - why?

    Git does not handle large files well.

    And repository hosting services refuse to handle large files:

    git-annex to the rescue! Let's take a look how it works

    Consuming datasets

    A dataset can be created from scratch/existing directories:
        $ datalad create mydataset
        [INFO] Creating a new annex repo at /home/adina/mydataset
        create(ok): /home/adina/mydataset (dataset)
    but datasets can also be installed from paths or from URLs:
        $ datalad clone HCP
        install(ok): /tmp/HCP (dataset)
    Hint: Did you know that you can get the Human Connectome Project Open Access Data as a Dataset?

    Consuming datasets

    • Here's how to get a dataset:

    Consuming datasets

    Plenty of data, but little disk-usage

    • Cloned datasets are lean. "Meta data" (file names, availability) are present, but no file content:
    • $ datalad clone
        install(ok): /tmp/studyforrest-data-phase2 (dataset)
        $ cd studyforrest-data-phase2 && du -sh
        18M	.
    • files' contents can be retrieved on demand:
    $ datalad get sub-01/ses-movie/func/sub-01_ses-movie_task-movie_run-1_bold.nii.gz
      get(ok): /tmp/studyforrest-data-phase2/sub-01/ses-movie/func/sub-01_ses-movie_task-movie_run-1_bold.nii.gz (file) [from mddatasrc...]
  • Have more access to your computer than you have disk-space:
  • # eNKI dataset (1.5TB, 34k files):
    $ du -sh
    1.5G	.
    # HCP dataset (~200TB, >15 million files)
    $ du -sh
    48G	. 

    Git versus Git-annex

    Data in datasets is either stored in Git or git-annex
    By default, everything is annexed, i.e., stored in a dataset annex by git-annex & only content-identity is committed to Git.

    Git git-annex
    handles small files well (text, code) handles all types and sizes of files well
    file contents are in the Git history and will be shared upon git/datalad push file contents are in the annex. Not necessarily shared
    Shared with every dataset clone Can be kept private on a per-file level when sharing the dataset
    Useful: Small, non-binary, frequently modified, need-to-be-accessible (DUA, README) files Useful: Large files, private files
  • Files stored in Git are modifiable, files stored in Git-annex are content-locked
  • Annexed contents are not available right after cloning, only content identity and availability information (as they are stored in Git). Everything that is annexed needs to be retrieved with datalad get from whereever it is stored.

  • Useful background information for demo later. Read this handbook chapter for details

    Git versus Git-annex

    Git versus Git-annex

      When sharing datasets with someone without access to the same computational infrastructure, annexed data is not necessarily stored together with the rest of the dataset (more tomorrow in the session on publishing).
      Transport logistics exist to interface with all major storage providers. If the one you use isn't supported, let us know!

    Git versus Git-annex

      Users can decide which files are annexed:

    • Pre-made run-procedures, provided by DataLad (e.g., text2git, yoda) or created and shared by users (Tutorial)
    • Self-made configurations in .gitattributes (e.g., based on file type, file/path name, size, ...; rules and examples )
    • Per-command basis (e.g., via datalad save --to-git)
    An overview of text- versus binary files and implications for version control is in

    Distributed availability

    • git-annex conceptualizes file availability information as a decentral network. A file can exist in multiple different locations. git annex whereis tells you which are known:
    • $ git annex whereis inputs/images/chinstrap_02.jpg
      whereis inputs/images/chinstrap_02.jpg (1 copy)
      	00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001 -- web
      	c1bfc615-8c2b-4921-ab33-2918c0cbfc18 -- adina@muninn:/tmp/my-dataset [here]
    • If a file has no other known storage locations, drop will warn
      • Here is a file with a registered remote location (the web)
      • $ datalad drop inputs/images/chinstrap_02.jpg
        drop(ok): /home/my-dataset/inputs/images/chinstrap_02.jpg (file)
        $ datalad get inputs/images/chinstrap_02.jpg
        get(ok): inputs/images/chinstrap_02.jpg (file)
      • Here is a file without a registered remote location (the web)
      • $ datalad drop inputs/images/chinstrap_01.jpg
        drop(error): inputs/images/chinstrap_01.jpg (file)
                     [unsafe; Could only verify the existence of 0 out of 1 necessary copy;
                     (Use --reckless availability to override this check, or adjust numcopies.)]

      Delineation and advantages of decentral versus central RDM: In defense of decentralized research data management

    Data protection

    Why are annexed contents write-protected? (part I)

    • Where the filesystem allows it, annexed files are symlinks:
      $ ls -l inputs/images/chinstrap_01.jpg
      lrwxrwxrwx 1 adina adina 132 Apr  5 20:53 inputs/images/chinstrap_01.jpg -> ../../.git/annex/objects/1z/
      (PS: especially useful in datasets with many identical files)
    • The symlink reveals git-annex internal data organization based on identity hash:
      $ md5sum inputs/images/chinstrap_01.jpg
      2e043a5654cec96aadad554fda2a8b26  inputs/images/chinstrap_01.jpg
    • git-annex write-protects files to keep this symlink functional - Changing file contents without git-annex knowing would make the hash change and the symlink point to nothing
    • To (temporarily) remove the write-protection one can unlock the file

    Detour & Teaser: Reproducible data analysis

    Your past self is the worst collaborator: Full comic at


    Reproducible execution & provenance capture

    datalad run wraps a command execution and records its impact on a dataset.

    Reproducible execution & provenance capture

    datalad run wraps a command execution and records its impact on a dataset.

    commit 9fbc0c18133aa07b215d81b808b0a83bf01b1984 (HEAD -> main)
    Author: Adina Wagner []
    Date:   Mon Apr 18 12:31:47 2022 +0200
        [DATALAD RUNCMD] Convert the second image to greyscale
        === Do not change lines below ===
         "chain": [],
         "cmd": "python code/ inputs/images/chinstrap_02.jpg outputs/im>
         "dsid": "418420aa-7ab7-4832-a8f0-21107ff8cc74",
         "exit": 0,
         "extra_inputs": [],
         "inputs": [],
         "outputs": [],
         "pwd": "."
        ^^^ Do not change lines above ^^^
    diff --git a/outputs/images_greyscale/chinstrap_02_grey.jpg b/outputs/images_gr>
    new file mode 120000
    index 0000000..5febc72
    --- /dev/null
    +++ b/outputs/images_greyscale/chinstrap_02_grey.jpg
    @@ -0,0 +1 @@
    \ No newline at end of file

    The resulting commit's hash (or any other identifier) can be used to automatically re-execute a computation (more on this tomorrow)

    Data protection

    Why are annexed contents write-protected? (part 2)

    • When you try to modify an annexed file without unlocking you will see "Permission denied" errors.
      Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "/home/bob/Documents/rdm-warmup/example-dataset/code/", line 20, in module

        File "/home/bob/Documents/rdm-temporary/venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/PIL/", line 2232, in save
          fp =, "w+b")
      PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'outputs/images_greyscale/chinstrap_02_grey.jpg'
    • Use datalad unlock to make the file modifiable. Underneath the hood (given the file system initially supported symlinks), this removes the symlink:
      $ datalad unlock outputs/images_greyscale/chinstrap_02_grey.jpg
      $ ls outputs/images_greyscale/chinstrap_02_grey.jpg
      -rw-r--r-- 1 adina adina 758168 Apr 18 12:31 outputs/images_greyscale/chinstrap_02_grey.jpg
    • datalad save locks the file again. Locking and unlocking ensures that git-annex always finds the right version of a file.

    Reproducible execution & provenance capture

    datalad run wraps a command execution and records its impact on a dataset.
    In addition, it can take care of data retrieval and unlocking

    datalad rerun

    • datalad rerun is helpful to spare others and yourself the short- or long-term memory task, or the forensic skills to figure out how you performed an analysis
    • But it is also a digital and machine-reable provenance record
    • Important: The better the run command is specified, the better the provenance record
    • Note: run and rerun only create an entry in the history if the command execution leads to a change.

    • Task: Use datalad rerun to rerun the script execution. Find out if the output changed

    Summary - Underneath the hood

      Files are either kept in Git or in git-annex.
      datalad save is used for both, but configurations (e.g., text2git), dataset rules (e.g., in a .gitattributes file, or flags change the default behavior of annexing everything

      Annexed files behave differently from files kept in Git:
      They can be retrieved and dropped from local or remote locations, they are write-protected, their content is unkown to Git (and thus easy to keep private).

      datalad clone installs datasets from URLs or local or remote paths
      Annexed files contents can be retrieved or dropped on demand, file contents of files stored in Git are available right away.

      datalad unlock makes annexed files modifiable, datalad save locks them again.
      (It is generally easier to get accidentally saved files out of the annex than out of Git - see for examples)

      datalad run records the impact of any command execution in a dataset.
      Data/directories specified as --input are retrieved prior to command execution, data/directories specified as --output unlocked.

      datalad rerun can automatically re-execute run-records later.
      They can be identified with any commit-ish (hash, tag, range, ...)

    💻Your turn💻

    Starting at the Data processing section, follow the code-along instructions to:

    1. Save the output of a script changing a file with datalad save
    2. Save the output AND provenance of a script changing a file with datalad run
    3. Try to edit an annex and lock-protected file
    4. Unlock an annexed file with datalad unlock
    5. Save and lock an unlocked annexed file with datalad save or datalad run

    (continue until the end of the page)

    Dropping and removing stuff

    What to do with files you don't want to keep? datalad drop and datalad remove

    Drop & remove

    • Try to remove (rm) one of the pictures in your dataset. What happens?
    • Version control tools keep a revision history of your files - file contents are not actually removed when you rm them. Interactions with the revision history of the dataset can bring them "back to life"

    A complete overview of file system operations is in

    Drop & remove

    • Clone a small example dataset to drop file contents and remove datasets:
      $ datalad clone
      $ cd machinelearning-books
      $ datalad get A.Shashua-Introduction_to_Machine_Learning.pdf 
    • datalad drop removes annexed file contents from a local dataset annex and frees up disk space. It is the antagonist of get (which can get files and subdatasets).
      $ datalad drop A.Shashua-Introduction_to_Machine_Learning.pdf
      drop(ok): /tmp/machinelearning-books/A.Shashua-Introduction_to_Machine_Learning.pdf (file)
    • But: Default safety checks require that dropped files can be re-obtained to prevent accidental data loss. git annex whereis reports all registered locations of a file's content
    • drop does not only operate on individual annexed files, but also directories, or globs, and it can uninstall subdatasets:
      $ datalad clone
      $ cd human-connectome-project-openaccess
      $ datalad get -n HCP1200/996782
      $ datalad drop --what all  HCP1200/996782

    Drop & remove

    • datalad remove removes complete dataset or dataset hierarchies and leaves no trace of them. It is the antagonist to clone.
      # The command operates outside of the to-be-removed dataset!
      $ datalad remove -d . machinelearning-books
      uninstall(ok): /tmp/machinelearning-books (dataset)
    • But: Default safety checks require that it could be re-cloned in its most recent version from other places, i.e., that there is a sibling that has all revisions that exist locally datalad siblings reports all registered siblings of a dataset.

    Drop & remove

    • Create a dataset from scratch and add a file
      $ datalad create local-dataset
      $ cd local-dataset
      $ echo "This file content will only exist locally" > local-file.txt
      $ datalad save -m "Added a file without remote content availability"
    • datalad drop refuses to remove annexed file contents if it can't verify that datalad get could re-retrieve it
      $ datalad drop local-file.txt
      $ drop(error): local-file.txt (file) [unsafe; Could only verify the existence of 0 out of 1 necessary copy;
                    (Note that these git remotes have annex-ignore set: origin upstream);
                    (Use --reckless availability to override this check, or adjust numcopies.)]
    • Adding --reckless availability overrides this check
      $ datalad drop local-file.txt --reckless availability
    • Be mindful that drop will only operate on the most recent version of a file - past versions may still exist afterwards unless you drop them specifically. git annex unused can identify all files that are left behind

    Drop & remove

    • datalad remove refuses to remove datasets without an up-to-date sibling
      $ datalad remove -d local-dataset
      uninstall(error): . (dataset) [to-be-dropped dataset has revisions that are not available at any known
                        sibling. Use `datalad push --to ...` to push these before dropping the local dataset,
                        or ignore via `--reckless availability`. Unique revisions: ['main']]
    • Adding --reckless availability overrides this check
      $ datalad remove -d local-dataset --reckless availability

    Removing wrongly

    • Using a file browser or command line calls like rm -rf on datasets is doomed to fail. Recreate the local dataset we just removed:
      $ datalad create local-dataset
      $ cd local-dataset
      $ echo "This file content will only exist locally" > local-file.txt
      $ datalad save -m "Added a file without remote content availability"
    • Removing it the wrong way causes chaos and leaves an usuable dataset corpse behind:
      $ rm -rf local-dataset
      rm: cannot remove 'local-dataset/.git/annex/objects/Kj/44/MD5E-s42--8f008874ab52d0ff02a5bbd0174ac95e.txt/
      MD5E-s42--8f008874ab52d0ff02a5bbd0174ac95e.txt': Permission denied
    • The dataset can't be fixed, but to remove the corpse chmod (change file mode bits) it (i.e., make it writable)
      $ chmod +w -R local-dataset
      $ rm -rf local-dataset

    💻Your turn💻

    Follow the code-along instructions at Removing datasets and files to:

    1. Obtain a dataset with datalad clone
    2. Retrieve file content with datalad get
    3. Inspect local and remote file content availability with git annex whereis
    4. Remove a local copy of file content with datalad drop
    5. Inspect a dataset's remotes/siblings with datalad siblings
    6. Remove a local clone of a dataset with datalad remove
    7. Unsafely remove a local clone of a dataset or copy of a file with datalad drop/remove --reckless availability

    (continue until the end of the page)
    That's it for today!