Research data management with DataLad


3 - Data Publication and Collaboration
title image
Stephan Heunis
Michał Szczepanik

Psychoinformatics lab,
Institute of Neuroscience and Medicine (INM-7)
Research Center Jülich


Quick recap

Quick recap

Quick recap

Quick recap

Quick recap

Before we begin...

Any left-over questions from yesterday?

Publishing datasets

How to share your work with others
Repository hosting services, siblings, and datalad push

Publishing datasets

I have a dataset on my computer. How can I share it, or collaborate on it?

"Share data like source code"

  • Datasets can be cloned, pushed, and updated from and to local and remote paths, remote hosting services, external special remotes
  • Examples:
    Local path
    Remote path
    Hosting service
    External special remotes


  • DataLad is built to maximize interoperability and use with hosting and storage technology
See the chapter Third party infrastructure for walk-throughs for different services


  • DataLad is built to maximize interoperability and use with hosting and storage technology
See the chapter Third party infrastructure for walk-throughs for different services


Sibling (remote)
Linked clones of a dataset. You can usually update (from) siblings to keep all your siblings in sync (e.g., ongoing data acquisition stored on experiment compute and backed up on cluster and external hard-drive)
Repository hosting service
Webservices to host Git repositories, such as GitHub, GitLab, Bitbucket, Gin, ...
Third-party storage
Infrastructure (private/commercial/free/...) that can host data. A "special remote" protocol is used to publish or pull data to and from it
Publishing datasets
Pushing dataset contents (Git and/or annex) to a sibling using datalad push
Updating datasets
Pulling new changes from a sibling using datalad update --merge

Sharing datasets

  • Most public datasets separate content in Git versus git-annex behind the scenes

Sharing datasets

Sharing datasets

Sharing datasets

Typical case:
  • Datasets are exposed via a private or public repository on a repository hosting service
  • Data can't be stored in the repository hosting service, but can be kept in almost any third party storage
  • Publication dependencies automate pushing to the correct place, e.g.,
    $ git config --local remote.github.datalad-publish-depends gdrive
    # or
    $ datalad siblings add --name origin --url --publish-depends s3            

Sharing datasets

  • Real-life example 1:
    GitHub for repository hosting, data hosting via + GNODE
  • a screenrecording of cloning studyforrest data from github

Sharing datasets

  • Real-life example 2:
    GitLab for repository hosting, data hosting via internal webserver (access restricted)
  • a screenrecording of cloning studyforrest data from github

Sharing datasets

  • Real-life example 3:
    GitHub for repository hosting, data hosting via Amazon S3 (requires DUA)
  • a screenrecording of cloning studyforrest data from github

Sharing datasets

Special case 1: repositories with annex support

Sharing datasets

Special case 2: Special remotes with repositories

Sharing datasets

Special case 1: repositories with annex support


Sharing datasets

Special case 2: Special remotes with repositories

Requires the DataLad extension datalad-osf
[You'll be doing this yourself in a short while...]

Sharing datasets

    DataLad can create siblings from the command line for the following services:
    datalad create-sibling-github
    datalad create-sibling-gitlab
    datalad create-sibling-gin
    datalad create-sibling-gogs
    local or remote paths
    datalad create-sibling
    RIA stores
    datalad create-sibling-ria
    Open Science Framework (needs datalad-osf)
    datalad create-sibling-osf
    WebDAV-based hosting (e.g., Sciebo, EOSC; needs datalad-next)
    datalad create-sibling-webdav

    (Additional services being worked on at this moment: Dataverse, ebrains;
    Get in touch with additional service support requests)

Cloning DataLad datasets

How does cloning dataset feel like for a consumer?

Cloning DataLad datasets

How does cloning dataset feel like for a consumer?

Cloning DataLad datasets

How does cloning dataset feel like for a consumer?

Cloning DataLad datasets

Let's take a look at the special cases:


Cloning DataLad datasets

Let's take a look at the special cases:

Requires the DataLad extension datalad-osf
[You'll be doing this yourself in a short while...]

Summary: Data publication

datasets can have "siblings", linked clones in other places
Those can be local or remote, on commercial, free, or personal infrastructure
Typical repository hosting services do not host annexed contents
A notable exception is Gin
Typical storage providers do not host Git repositories
but datalad extensions can make it possible for certain services, such as the OSF
Despite the different possible services, operations are streamlined
clone installs datasets, get retrieves data, push publishes (new changes in) datasets, update pulls dataset updates. This remains the case even if underlying data hosting changes.
Siblings serve multiple purposes:
Personal back-up that's easy to sync; Publicly or privately exposed files to share with (selected) others; Entrypoints for collaborations or others' contributions; ...

Publish your own dataset

Based on:

Publishing to OSF



  1. Log into OSF
  2. Create personal access token
  3. Enter credentials using datalad osf-credentials:
                    datalad osf-credentials
4. Create the sibling:
                    datalad create-sibling-osf -d . -s my-osf-sibling \
                    --title 'my-osf-project-title' --mode export --public
5. Push to the sibling:
                    datalad push -d . --to my-osf-sibling
6. Clone from the sibling:
                    cd ..
                    datalad clone osf://my-osf-project-id my-osf-clone

Publication and Collaboration Exercise

replace GIN with OSF
datalad clone ...
datalad save ...
datalad create-sibling-osf ...
datalad push ...
datalad remove ...
datalad clone ...
datalad save ...
datalad push ...
Any other attendee could be a collaborator
datalad siblings add ...
datalad update ...
datalad push ...