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The Editor Component

A core part of shacl-vue is its ability to render a dynamic editor component (and in future also a viewer component) based on the specific constraints in a SHACL PropertyShape. E.g. if the sh:datatype of the shape is xsd:datetime, then one would expect the input field to be a date/time selector, or if the sh:NodeKind is sh:IRI, then one would expect to be able to select from a list of existing resource identifiers or add a new one.

Here we provide more information about how editor components are put together in order to achieve this dynamic redering, how matching works, how to create new custom editor components, and how to make them discoverable to the application.

The editor component internals


shacl-vue is under continuous development and might change at any time. Abstracting out general functionality, especially related to base editor code, is likely to affect the descriptions below.

Let's use the HexEditor.vue code as an example to explain the component internals.

The template

        style="margin-bottom: 1em;"
            label="add hexadecimal text"

The template part of the component defines the look, feel, and UI-related functionality of the component. As you can see, there is a Vuetify v-input component that wraps the component, which is used to provide a unified API for any custom editor. See this commit for more details. All attributes of the v-input tag are required to be reused as is in any new custom component, except for the style attribute:

  • v-model="internalValue" provides a two-way binding of the v-input to a required internalValue, which is automatically reflected in the global formData state. In other words, this is the actual value of the editor component as input by the user.
  • :rules="rules" binds the rules variable (further explained in the setup script section below) to the rules property of the v-input component, for validation purposes
  • ref="fieldRef" and :id="inputId" assigns a ref and id, respectively, to the v-input component, which allows any component to be referenced (possibly recursively) by its parent form, for validation purposes (see this commit).
  • hide-details="auto" makes for a better UX regarding messaging from the v-input component.

The custom nature of an editor component is established by adding any number of components inside the v-input. In the above example we have a single v-text-field, but this could also be multiple input components, such as the URIEditor that is shipped with shacl-vue. The important part is to v-model each subcomponent with a unique field in the subValues object, e.g. subValues.hex_text above. These subvalues are used in a deterministic way when determining the internalValue of the wrapping v-input component.

The setup script

<script setup>
    import { useRules } from '../composables/rules'
    import { useRegisterRef } from '../composables/refregister';
    import { useBaseInput } from '@/composables/base';

    const props = defineProps({
        modelValue: String,
        property_shape: Object,
        node_uid: String,
        triple_uid: String,
        triple_idx: Number
    const { rules } = useRules(props.property_shape)
    const inputId = `input-${}`;
    const { fieldRef } = useRegisterRef(inputId, props);
    const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue']);
    const { subValues, internalValue } = useBaseInput(

    function valueParser(value) {
        // Parsing internalValue into ref values for separate subcomponent(s)
        return {
            hex_text: value,

    function valueCombiner(values) {
        // Determing internalValue from subvalues/subcomponents
        return values.hex_text


This script defines the behavior logic for the custom component and runs before the component mounts (see the VueJS docs).

Importantly, this is where general functionality from composables are imported and used to allow the custom editor component to behave as expected:

  • the props structure defines all arguments passed to the component from its parent
  • the useRules composable returns the rules variable that is constructed in the format expected by the v-input component, by parsing constraints of the sh:PropertyShape being processed.
  • const inputId = `input-${}`; establishes a unique id for the v-input field that is required for the next step.

INFO is not strictly necessary as a way to get a unique id, and any alternative method can also be used instead.

  • the useRegisterRef returns the unique ref that the v-input is tagged with in order to allow it to be uniquely identified within the context of its parent form (FormEditor component) in order to validate the form and list validation errors.
  • const emit = defineEmits(['update:modelValue']); tells the component to emit any local updates to the modelValue prop upwards to the parent
  • the useBaseInput composable is essential to the behavior of a custom component. It should be provided with the valueParser and valueCombiner functions that are unique to the custom component, and it returns internalValue which the v-input is modeled with, and also the subValues structure.
  • valueParser(value) is the custom logic that the component should provide to determine the subvalues of possible subcomponents from internalValue
  • valueCombiner(values) is the custom logic that the component should provide to determine the internalValue from the subvalues of possible subcomponents

The functions in the above example are simplistic, since they just mirror the single subvalue. But this logic could also be more complex, see for example the functions associated with the URIEditor component.

The matching script

    import { SHACL, XSD } from '../modules/namespaces'
    export const matchingLogic = (shape) => {
        // sh:nodeKind exists
        if ( shape.hasOwnProperty(SHACL.nodeKind.value) ) {
            // sh:nodeKind == sh:Literal
            if ( shape[SHACL.nodeKind.value] == SHACL.Literal.value ) {
                // sh:datatype exists
                if ( shape.hasOwnProperty(SHACL.datatype.value) ) {
                    // sh:datatype == xsd:hexBinary
                    return shape[SHACL.datatype.value] == XSD.hexBinary.value
        return false

This is an extra and required script that specifies the logic for deciding whether a custom editor component should be rendered or not based on the sh:PropertyShape. Here, for example, the component will match (return true) if:

  • the shape contains the sh:NodeKind field and
  • the sh:NodeKind is an sh:Literal and
  • the shape contains the sh:datatype field and
  • the sh:datatype equals XSD.hexBinary


TODO: the current matching procedure will return a boolean value when matched, which means that it could be possible for multiple components to match if their logic is similar. At the moment the matching procedure will select the first match. This logic will likely be replaced in future with a rating scheme, where a integer/decimal value of priority will be assigned to a given match based on some global configuration. The highest rated match would then be rendered.

Component discovery

Custom components can be created as outlined above and will then need to be placed inside the shacl-vue/src/components directory in order to be auto-discovered by the application.

Component matching

The editors.js module, which is used once in the MainForm component upon application startup, provides the necessary code for grabbing the matching logic of all custom Vue components and making that available (via Provide/Inject) to the PropertyShapeEditor editor that dynamically matches the correct editor component to the sh:PropertyShape.

In the PropertyShapeEditor, a computed property determines the correct match:

const matchedComponent = computed(() => {
    for (const key in editorMatchers) {
        if (editorMatchers[key].match(props.property_shape)) {
            return editorMatchers[key].component;
    return defaultEditor;

If no match is found, a DefaultEditor is returned, which is currently set to the UnknownEditor which just prints a line and contains no input field.